School Environment and Facility

School Environment and Facility

  • According to planned theme and learning content, we create an appropriate environment for learning and place a variety of materials to attract children's learning interests, such as books, teaching aids, exploreable materials, variety of art and craft materials, different writing tools and many more.
  • Teachers will change the teaching materials and teaching aids according to the progress of teaching. The teaching content is hierarchical and progressive. It can consolidate and revisit what you have learned before to maintain the curiosity of children and provide more opportunities and methods to improve their interest in learning. At the same time, individual differences in the class will be taken into account and appropriate teaching aids will be given.
  • Free exploration is one of the important elements of play, and it is a catalyst for children to learn effectively. It can maintain and enhance their concentration and interest in learning. Teachers will cooperate with children’s nature of playing games, and induce children’s intrinsic motivational behaviors through the environment, focusing on children's independent and free participation, allowing them to freely choose the tools, methods, playmates and activity areas of the game, and provide them with free play opportunities.