Information on School Admission

Information on School Admission

Admission Criteria

  • Priority will be given to siblings of the applicant who have been / currently studying in our school.
  • Priority will be given to the applicants with family needs.
  • When considering applications for WD/LWD services, priority will be given to families that require the services(such as those with working parents) and those having genuine need fo WD/LWD services due to their special circumstances such as families which need to take care of persons with disability at home.

Interview Arrangement

  • All applicants are eligible for the interview.
  • The kindergarten will inform the parents of the interview arrangement through the letter.
  • Interviews will be conducted in individual.
  • Parents should attend the interviews with the applicants.
  • If non-Chinese speaking (NSC) students need interpretation/translation services, please contact the kindergarten at 2772 0811.


Announcement of Admission Results

  • Acceptance Letter will be issued to parents before 13 December 2024.


Registration Arrangement

  • Admitted students: All the applicants who have been accepted, must register with the Branch during the “Centralised Registration Dates"(i.e. 2 to 4 January 2025). K1-K3 students must submit the original "registration certificate" and pay the registration fee($1,570 for WD session), while the pre-nursery class only need to pay the registration fee($1,570 for WD session).
  • Enrollment of K1 students: The registration fee($1,570 for WD session) will be refunded in September. If parents decide to transfer their children to another school and give up the reserved place after registering should inform the school by letter. The RC will be returned to the parents. However, all the fees paid will not be refunded to the parents under all circumstances. Upon getting back the RC from the school, the school will no longer reserve the place for the child.
  • Information on Vacancies: The EDB will collect information from KGs on K1 vacancies about a week after the Centralised Registration Dates through an electronic platform, and publish a list of KGs in various districts in early February 2025 showing the Kgs that still have K1 vacancies, Kgs with no vacancy and KGs which are processing applications of children on the waiting list and welcome enquiries on their vacancy situation so as to help parents find a K1 place for their children.



Information for parents

  • The personal information provided by the applicants will only be used for the evaluation and admission. The relevant information will be treated confidentially and will be destroyed when the procedure is completed.
  • Whether the successful or unsuccessful applicants, all submitted documents will not be returned.
  • If the application is cancelled, the application form and related information will be destroyed immediately.
  • The Education Bureau introduced the policy of free quality kindergarten education in the 2017/18 school year to replace the existing Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme. Under the new scheme, the Education Bureau will use the "Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission" as the K1 registration document.
  • Parents who enroll in K1-K3 must apply to the Education Bureau for the "Kindergarten Enrollment Registration Certificate" by themselves.


"Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission" Application Form(PDF)

Online submission of the electronic application form for"Registration Caertificate for Kindergarten Admission"


Please visit Admission Arrangements for Nursery(K1) Classes in Kindergartens for further information.